$0.01 per ad click
$0.005 per referral ad click
Graphs of click statistics along with referral statistics
The option to buy referrals from OmniBux Directly
The ability to cashout to paypal, or alertpay, instantly, with a minimum of $2

Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) for every ad your referrals click.
Access detailed statistics of your clicks, earnings and even of your referral's clicks and activities.
Pay and receive instantly!

Earn up to $0.02 (2 US cents) per click.
Earn up to $0.01 (1 US cent) for every ad your referrals click.
Access detailed account and referrals statistics.
Instant Payments Processing.

Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $0.01 (1 cents) for every ad your referrals click.
We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.
Pay and receive instantly, within seconds!
The minimum payout is $2 and Instantly!

Earn up to $ 1.00 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $ 1.00 (2 cents) for every ad your referrals click.
Access detailed statistics of your clicks, earnings and even of your referral's clicks and activities.
The minimum payout is $1 and Instantly!

$0.01 per click
$0.005 per referral click
Graphs of click statistics along with referral statistics
Instant Payments

You'll be able to earn up to $0.02 cents per click
You'll be able to earn up to $0.02 cents per click you referrals makes.
Instantly payment/receiving system.
Access to a growing community.
Detailed statistic graphs over your account and referral performance.

Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $0.01 (1 cents) for every ad your referrals click.
Access detailed statistics of your clicks, earnings and even of your referral's clicks and activities.
The minimum payout is $2 and Instantly!

Earn up to $0.02 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $0.01 (1 cents) for every ad your referrals click.
Access detailed statistics of your clicks, earnings and even of your referral's clicks and activities.
Pay and receive instantly!

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As a member of earn.bz you can earn up to 0.01$ per click and 0.01$ for every click your referral makes. You can request a payment as soon as you reach 4$. Payments are processed to alertpay and paypal.

Features for the members give them flexibility and more earning potential. IncraseBux is always ready to take any advice into consideration.
They offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.
Earn up to $0.02 per click and $0.01 for every referral click.

Regular Contest & Offers.
Instant payment purchase processing.
Rent.Recycle.Renew Referrals Option.
Choice of 4 different Memberships.
Membership from $7.99 Monthly
Earn from $0.0080 to $0.02 per click
Earn from $0.0055 to $0.01 per referral click
Earn to purchase transfer
Minimum Payout from $1.00 to $4.00
Quick support answers. Active Forum.

BuxifY members get paid to view ads for 20 seconds. In order to earn even more, simply just refer your friends and relatives because You will be earning up to $0.20 for each new member that You refer to them and their clicks will be added to your earnings

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